Taking User Input:

We have already studied about the use of cout object along with the insertion operator. It is used to print string/text (sequence of characters like "My age is 20.") as well as variables on screen.

For taking input from user, we use cin object along with extraction operator.


cin is pronounced as "see-in"

Point : When we are taking input from the user, we store it in a variable.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    int num; 
    cout<<"Write a number\n"<<endl; 
    //after writing value press enter
    cin >> num;
    cout << "Value of a is " << num << endl;
    return 0;

  • We use insertion operator after cout.
  • cout is used for printing.
  • We use extraction operator after cin.
  • cin is used to take user input.

Taking Input from the User:

In the given C++ program, we wre taking input in different types of variables.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
  string name;
  int age;
  double height;

  // Taking input in string type variable
  cout << "Enter your name "<<endl;

  // Taking input in int type variable
  cout << "Enter your age "<<endl;

  // Taking input in double type variable
  cout << "Enter your height "<<endl;

  cout << "Name is "<< name << endl;
  cout << "Age is "<< age << endl;
  cout << "Height is "<< height << endl;

  return 0;
In this way, we can take input in any type of variable using cin alongwith insertion operator (<<). The input we take in variable can also be processed. In the next example, we will process the input and then process it and print the result in screen.

Building a simple calculator:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    int num1, num2;
    cout<<"Enter first number \n";
    cout<<"Enter second number \n";
    int sum, diff, quotient, product;
    sum = num1+num2;
    diff = num1-num2;
    quotient = num1/num2;
    product = num1*num2;
    cout<<"Sum is "<<sum<<endl;
    cout<<"Difference is "<<diff<<endl;
    cout<<"Quotient is "<<quotient <<endl;
    cout<<"Product is "<<product<<endl;
    return 0;