Variable Scope in Java:

Scope refers to the region or context within which a variable is accessible.

Block Scope:

  • Block scope is the area within a pair of curly braces .
  • Variables declared inside a block are accessible within that block only.
  • Block scope is often associated with local variables.
public void exampleMethod() {
    int x = 10; // x is in block scope
        int y = 20; // y is in block scope
    // x is still accessible here, but y is not

Method Scope:

  • Variables declared as method parameters or local variables inside a method have method scope.
  • They are only accessible within the method where they are declared.
public void exampleMethod(int a) {
    int b = 20; // b has method scope
    // Both a and b are accessible here

Class Scope (Instance Variables):

  • Instance variables (fields) have class scope.
  • They are declared within a class but outside of any method.
  • Instance variables are accessible throughout the class and have the same lifetime as the class's object.
public class MyClass {
    int instanceVar = 30; 

Class Scope (Static Variables):

  • Static variables are shared among all instances of a class and also have class scope.
  • They are declared as static within a class.
  • Static variables exist for the entire lifetime of the program.
public class MyClass {
    static int staticVar = 40; 

Global Scope:

  • Java doesn't have true global variables (variables accessible everywhere in the program).
  • The closest thing to a global scope in Java is a public static variable within a class.
public class GlobalScopeExample {
    public static int globalVar = 50; 

Note : Scope defines the region or context within which a variable is accessible. Understanding the different scopes is crucial for writing clean and efficient code. Java does not have true global variables accessible everywhere in the program.