
Q1: Create a pointer variable, assign it the address of an integer, and print the value at that address.

Q2: Swap the values of two variables using pointers.

Q3: Allocate memory for an integer using malloc function, assign a value, and then free the memory.

Q4: Implement a dynamic array using malloc or new, add elements, and resize the array as needed.

Q5: Iterate through an integer array using a pointer.

Q6: Write a function to find the length of a string (null-terminated character array) using pointers.

Q7: Given an array and a pointer to an element, find the Nth element using pointer arithmetic.

Q8: Implement a function to concatenate two C-style strings.

Q9: Define a structure representing a student with name and age. Create an array of students of struct type and access their attributes. Use pointers for this purpose.

Q10: Write a function that calculates the sum and difference of two integers and returns the results through pointers.

Q11: Implement a function to find the maximum and minimum values in an array of integers by using pointers.