
Q1: Create a class "Animal" with a method "makeSound." Create instances of "Dog" and "Cat" and call the "makeSound" method.

Q2: Implement a function that takes a list of shapes (circles and rectangles) and calculates their areas using polymorphism.

Q3: Create a program that displays different messages depending on the type of vehicle (car, bike) using polymorphism.

Q4: Extend the "Animal" hierarchy with more animal types and override the "makeSound" method for each.

Q5: Build a drawing application where different shapes can be drawn on a canvas using polymorphism.

Q6: Implement a program that simulates a traffic signal with different vehicle types using polymorphism.

Q7: Design a music player application that can play different audio formats (mp3, wav) using polymorphism.

Q8: Create a graphical user interface (GUI) library that can render various UI elements (buttons, text fields) with polymorphic rendering functions.

Q9: Implement a plugin system for a text editor where different plugins provide syntax highlighting for various programming languages using polymorphism.