
Q1: Create a base class "Animal" with derived classes "Dog" and "Cat." Add properties and methods to each derived class.

Q2: Implement a base class "Shape" and create subclasses "Circle" and "Rectangle" to calculate area and perimeter.

Q3: Design a base class "Vehicle" with subclasses "Car" and "Bike" to represent different vehicle types.

Q4: Extend the "Vehicle" hierarchy with additional subclasses like "Truck" and "Motorcycle."

Q5: Create an abstract base class "Shape" with methods for calculating area and perimeter and then create concrete shapes that inherit from it.

Q6: Develop a class hierarchy representing different types of employees (e.g., "Manager," "Developer") with common and specific attributes/methods.

Q7: Implement a class hierarchy for a game with a base class "GameObject" and subclasses "Player," "Enemy," and "Obstacle."

Q8: Create a class hierarchy for a geometric shapes library, allowing users to create custom shapes by inheriting from a base "Shape" class.

Q9: Develop a class hierarchy for a banking system, including classes like "Account," "SavingsAccount," and "CheckingAccount" with inheritance relationships.