
Q1: Create a tuple with various data types (integers, strings, floats) and access its elements.

Q2: Concatenate two tuples and print the result.

Q3: Find the length of a tuple.

Q4: Given a tuple with the name and age of a person, unpack the tuple and print the name and age separately.

Q5: Create a function that returns a tuple containing the minimum and maximum values from a list.

Q6: Given a tuple of numbers, extract a slice of elements and print them.

Q7: Reverse a tuple using slicing.

Q8: Convert a tuple to a list and vice versa.

Q9: Create a function that takes a list of tuples and returns a list of their lengths.

Q10: Create a dictionary where the keys are tuples (e.g., (x, y)) representing coordinates and the values are corresponding values. Also print values on screen

Q11: Write a function to find the value associated with a given coordinate.

Q12: Create a function that takes two tuples and returns a new tuple that is the element-wise sum of the input tuples.

Q13: Given a list of tuples containing names and ages, sort the list based on ages.

Q14: Define a named tuple representing a Point with x and y coordinates. Create instances of the Point and access its attributes.

Q15: Sort a list of tuples based on a custom key function.