
Q1: Write a program to create a dictionary with key-value pairing representing items and their prices and print their values on screen.

Q2: Write a program to retrieve the values from a dictionary using keys.

Q3: Write a program to add new items to a dictionary and print the values on screen.

Q4: Write a program to update the prices of items in a dictionary.

Q5: Write a program to remove items from a dictionary.

Q6: Write a program to iterate through a dictionary and print all the key-value pairs on screen.

Q7: Write a program to find the keys with the highest and lowest values in a dictionary and print on screen.

Q8: Write a program to calculate the total value of items in a shopping cart dictionary.

Q9: Write a program to merge two dictionaries into one.

Q10: Write a program to create a dictionary with keys as numbers and values as their squares using dictionary comprehension. Also print the results on screen.

Q11: Create a function to invert a dictionary (swap keys and values).

Q12: Create a function to find common keys in two dictionaries.

Q13: Filter a dictionary to include only items with prices above a certain threshold.

Q14: Write a program to filter a dictionary to include only items that contain a specific keyword in their names.

Q15: Write a program to create a dictionary that represents a catalog of products with categories.

Q16: Write a program to create a function to recursively flatten a nested dictionary into a flat dictionary.