Classes and Objects:

Q1: Create a class "Person" with attributes for name and age. Instantiate a few objects and print their details.

Q2: Implement a class "BankAccount" with methods for deposit and withdrawal. Enhance the "BankAccount" class with a method to check the account balance.

Q3: Create a class "Student" with a constructor to initialize name and roll number.

Q4: Create a class "Book" with attributes title and author. Implement a method to display book information.

Q5: Implement a class "Employee" with attributes like name, salary, and ID, and create objects for different employees.

Q6: Develop a class "Rectangle" with methods to calculate area and perimeter.

Q7: Design a class "Date" to represent dates and implement methods to compare dates and calculate the number of days between them.

Q8: Create a class "ComplexNumber" for performing complex number arithmetic, including addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

Q9: Develop a class "Library" to manage books, authors, and patrons, with methods for borrowing, returning, and searching books.